
Salmon welfare

According to regulations and standards, everyone who works with salmonids must complete a course in fish welfare. This course gives an understanding of the species' physiology, natural needs, behavior, health and how the fish reacts to stress and other influences.


7 hours



Course in salmon welfare

The course covers the necessary training in the requirements set in standards such as Global GAP and ASC.


  • Environment and water quality
  • Anatomy and physiology
  • The life cycle of salmonids
  • Biosecurity
  • Production routines
  • Disease theory
  • Welfare indicators


  • Fish welfare for sea-based aquaculture
  • Fish welfare for land-based aquaculture
  • Fish welfare for processing plant
  • Fishery welfare well boats and service boats
  • Fish welfare for species other than salmon

Course in salmon welfare - Sea

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Course in salmon welfare - Land

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